
The gentlebirth.org website is provided courtesy of
Ronnie Falcao, LM MS, a homebirth midwife in Mountain View, CA


Chiropractic Care

Easy Steps to a Safer Pregnancy - View e-book or Download PDF - FREE!
An interactive resource for moms on easy steps they can take to reduce exposure to chemical toxins during pregnancy.

Other excellent resources about avoiding toxins during pregnancy

These are easy to read and understand and are beautifully presented.

Subsections on this page:


See also: For Parents - How to Get the Best Care/How to Find Chiropractors

There's an interesting alliance between midwifery and chiropractics.  Midwives understand and appreciate that good chiropractic care during pregnancy can relieve a lot of discomforts (including heartburn!), prevent malposition of the baby and facilitate a smoother, easier labor.  Chiropractors understand that good midwifery care at birth can prevent injury to the mother's pelvis and the baby's skull and spine.

In particular, the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association has a particular interest in birth-related matters; they have a lovely web page about Natural Birthing, and they maintain a Referral Directory.

In some states, chiropractors are licensed to attend births.

Perinatal Care: Webster Certification class taught by Dr. Jeanne Ohm.

This seminar offers the opportunity to become certified in the Webster technique and be placed on the active ICPA referral directory.

Plan on returning to your office with the confidence and skills to care for more pregnant mothers and infants in your practice.

In this 12 hour class you will receive:

An in-depth look at the modern day birth process.
The connection between chiropractic care and safer, easier births.
Adjusting techniques with effective results in pregnancy.
Proficiency training of the Webster Technique.
Educational tools for effective implementation in your practice.
Extensive resource on pregnancy and birth.
Protocols for the care of the newborn.
Solutions to expand your Family Wellness Practice.

Prenatal Chiropractice Care

There's a beautiful book about pregnancy and birth written by a chiropractor, Hands of Love : Seven Steps to the Miracle of Birth by Dr. Carol J. Phillips.  [Also available at amazon.com.]

I ordered the three video products offered by Dr. Carol Phillips and share them with whatever chiropractor is working with my pregnant clients.  I have owned them and been sharing them for a year, and the chiros and the moms love them.

Sciatica - Low Back Pain - Pubic Symphysis Pain - Heartburn - Nausea/Vomiting - Posterior Presentation - Breech or Transverse Presentation - Pre-eclampsia - High Blood Pressure - Pre-Term Labor - Since research and experience shows that ALL of the above conditions have improved with the use of drugless chiropractic care, chances are that your mom-to-be can benefit too!  Read about the Bagnell Pregnancy Chiropractic Program.

Chiropractic Research on Pregnancy Issues - "chiropractic care significantly reduces the mean labor time."

Chiropractic Care provides wonderful support for a health, normal pregnancy.  Some articles from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association:



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