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Abstract - Equivalence of Bulb Suctioning and DeLee Suctioning for Meconium

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Intrapartum suctioning of meconium: comparative efficacy of bulb syringe and De Lee catheter.

Authors: Cohen-Addad N.  Chatterjee M.  Bautista A.
Source: Journal of Perinatology.  7(2):111-3, 1987 Spring.

Intrapartum suctioning of the newborn's pharynx with a De Lee catheter (DL) has reduced the incidence of meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) in neonates born with meconium staining of the amniotic fluid. However, the bulb syringe (BLB) is used more often for this purpose because of greater technical convenience. In a prospective study, 60 offspring of such deliveries received intrapartum pharyngeal suctioning either by BLB (29 cases) or by DL (31 cases), according to random selection. The presence and amount of meconium in the trachea, incidence and severity of MAS, and mortality from the disease were similar between the two groups. This study suggests that the BLB is as effective as the DL for intrapartum removal of nasopharyngeal meconium in deliveries with meconium staining of the amniotic fluid. Since the BLB is easier to use, less expensive and probably safer, our results suggest that it may be the preferable method.

Delivery room management of meconium staining of the amniotic fluid and the development of meconium aspiration syndrome.

Authors: Hageman JR.  Conley M.  Francis K.  Stenske J.  Wolf I.  Santi V.  Farrell EE.
Source: Journal of Perinatology.  8(2):127-31, 1988 Spring.

A 1-year prospective survey of obstetric and pediatric management of meconium staining of the amniotic fluid in 464 patients was undertaken. Pharyngeal suctioning before delivery was performed using bulb syringe (N = 130), De Lee suction catheter (N = 186), or both (N = 98); endotracheal intubation after delivery was also done in 413 instances. Using any of the three suctioning techniques, no differences were seen in Apgar scores, respiratory rates, presence or absence of meconium on or below the vocal cords, or development of meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS). If meconium was present on the vocal cords, it was present below the vocal cords in 76% of the cases. If no meconium was visualized, it was found below the vocal cords in only 7% of the cases. Of the 142 infants with meconium below the vocal cords, 10% developed MAS and all 14 survived.

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