
    My phone number: 650-961-9728 (business line for routine calls, scheduling, labor notification)
    650-943-6155 (eFax number)

    650-961-8448 (my cell phone, which I use as a pager - call here only when it's important enough to wake me)

    Clients' Links

    Useful Links for Clients of Ronnie Falcao, LM

    This is a collection of links for my clients.


    My Handouts (online handouts and copies of informed consents)
    You have the username/password in the e-mail I sent about this web page.


    Shekinah Birthing has a beautiful visual imagery that is relaxing and a great daily affirmation for pregnant women

    My Local Resources web page - a very large collection of information

    Referral Practices - Auxiliary Labs and Practices I refer to:

    Permission slip for Dental Work

    My default backup hospital is Santa Clara Valley Medical Center in San Jose.
    You can preregister to take the Labor & Delivery Tours.

    Allied Practitioners

    Nutrition and Nutritional Supplements


    Key choices you make about your care

    Childbirth Preparation Resources available for loan


    Getting a Birth Certificate

    Relevant Support Groups

    Special Information about Homebirth VBAC


    The Midwife Archives - my web pages

    The Attached Family - A new online magazine for Attachment Parenting families.
    [user name: members
    password: AP4famiLy]

    Resources for Women from Childbirth Connection

    Other online resources


    Referral Practices - Auxiliary Labs and Practices I refer to:

    Lab locations for Quest Diagnostics / Unilab
    Instructions for getting a Clean Catch of Urine (p. 3) and for
    One-Hour Postprandial (p. 9, but disregard instructions about fasting and aim for ONE hour!)

    Lance Dursi - Diagnostic Ultrasound, Los Gatos

    Genetic counseling: Obstetrix (Los Gatos) and Peninsula Ultrasound (San Mateo)

    Peninsula Prenatal Diagnostics, Dr. Desmond McCallum and Dr. Robert I. Liner
     - An Alternative for Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis


    Allied Practitioners

    Holistic Pediatricians

    Integrative Medicine HealthCare Providers - MDs with an Expanded Practice, Nutritionists, Chiropractics, Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Osteopaths, Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda,

    Childbirth Preparation - Education, Hypnobirthing®, Yoga, Massage

    Resources for a Sane Postpartum

    Local Resources

      Other Local Birth Resource Centers, with Practitioner Directories


      Birth Kit - You can order it from Cascade Healthcare Products

      Epi No: Childbirth & Pelvic Floor Trainer

      TriLight Herbs Pregnancy Products
      Ingredients in LaborPrep and Startup from Tri-Light Herbs
      Ingredients in Dr. Christopher's Pre-Natal Tea

      Birthing Tubs - AquaDoula birthing tubs and Deluxe Accessories Kit

      Ambience Items - these are available for loan for your birth

      The Tummy Tub helps soothe fussy babies - also available for loan

      Pictures of my equipment to share with concerned family


        Nutrition and Nutritional Supplements

        Personalized Nutrition Pyramid

      Nutrition Trackers and Analyzers

      nutritiondata.com - Find nutrition facts, including food labels, calories, nutritional information and analysis

      Nutrition during Pregnancy by Amy V. Haas from Midwifery Today

      It has been my experience that most women are not able to eat an ideal diet meeting all their nutritional needs.
      Unless you have religious objections to taking supplements, I strongly encourage you to make sure
      that you are getting at least the MDR plus 1000 mg vit. C (with bioflavonoids) and 1000 IU vit. D.
      These are specifically helpful in building strong tissues for you and your baby and for helping you to have
      elastic tissues which are less likely to tear at the birth.

      New Chapter Perfect Prenatal Vitamins are fairly pricey. 180
      They are particularly good because they include a variety of probiotics, including bifidobacterium infantis, which your baby will need to digest human milk, and which may have disappeared from your
      system if you've taken ever taken a round of antibiotics.  (Absence of this gut flora is a
      potential cause of colic.)

      Dr. Mercola offers Multivitamin +Plus Vital Minerals
      This is an excellent multivitamin with daily levels of key nutrients:
      Vitamin D-3 (as cholecalciferol).........................................5,000 IU 1,250%

      Calcium ..................................... 500 mg 50%
      Magnesium ................................. 500 mg 125%

      Bioflavonoids and Proanthocyanidins (about 300 mg, including rutin, which helps prevent hemorrhoids and varicose veins)

      I recommend taking additional iron supplements in liquid form: Floradix Iron Plus Herbs is excellent
      and will not cause constipation.
      You will also need additional calcium / magnesium supplements.



      It's recommended that we each try to eat at least 7 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
      If you're not close to that on a regular basis, I strongly recommend Juice Plus, which is

      An ideal supplement regimen for most pregnant women would be:


    Key choices you make about your care:

    Screening for Fetal Chromosomal Abnormalities Reviewed  - this Medscape article offers a fabulous overview of available testing as of January, 2009.

    My handout about Prenatal Screening

    Prenatal Screening for Birth Defects/Ultrasound

    Gestational Diabetes

    NOTE - If you are doing home glucose monitoring with my Presige LX Smart System Blood Glucose Meter, you might want to read:
    Owner's Booklet, Quick Reference Card, and here's a glucometerresults log form

    Group B Strep


    Homebirth Safety/Advocacy

    Newborn Vitamin K

    Newborn Screen (PKU)

    Main index into The Midwife Archives

    Childbirth Preparation Resources available for loan

Everything you ever wanted to know about Labor Pain, but were afraid to ask! - an excellent article written by a midwife about how to cope with labor pains.

"Ready to Birth", a guided imagery CD that I made

    Lots of videos for loan

    The Pink Kit

    Photos of equipment for family members

    Hypnobabies - Hypnobabies Home Study Course:  Eyes Open Childbirth Hypnosis from Kerry Tuschhoff

    Evolution of a Childbirth Educator by Kerry Tuschhoff, HCHI
    JOPPPAH 17(2), Winter, 2002, p. 123
    Well worth reading if you can get your hands on it!  Here's a revised version of this article from Kerry.
    She's affiliated with a Hypnobabies e-mail group.

    HypBirth - a new  Home Study Course

    "From one homebirth mom to another. I thought you'd like to know about an audio tape I made to help undo the negative cultural messages, build strength and trust in self, the body, the collective of women and the process of birth and mothering. If you're interested, check it out "Journeying Through Pregnancy & Birth" I'm also a midwife and the women I've worked with have told me it's been a helpful tool, gave them some "form" to re-frame their worries......something to use on a regular basis. One side for pregnancy and the other for term or post-dates to initiate/induce."

    Calm Birth audio guide (cassette or CD) is for conception, pregnancy and childbirth delivery.  541-488-2563

    Joyful Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond by Lina Clerke - also available from Birth International

    Great Expectations: The Joy of Pregnancy & Birthing and Rainbow Butterfly from Dr. Emmett Miller.

    Let the Whole Birth Yoga Audio tape and CD guide you through a wonderfully relaxing and rejuvenating hour of yoga and meditation especially designed for pregnancy.

    Parenting your Baby Before Birth CD

    The Leclaire Hypnobirthing Method - Your baby's easy way out! - Bringing Peace to the World one baby at a time.  CE's available for CNM's, RN's, Childbirth Educators, Doulas, Michelle Leclaire O'Neill Ph.D., R.N. is the author of Creative Childbirth Book and the creator of several hypnosis audiotapes and other resources.

    “Pregnancy Product of the year 2006” by Practical Parenting - one of the UK’s leading parenting magazines

    Maggie Howell of Natal Hypnotherapy in the UK offers hypnosis CDs:
        * Prepare to conceive
        * Overcome Morning Sickness
        * Pregnancy Relaxation
        * Hospital Birth Preparation
        * Home Birth Preparation
        * VBAC preparation
        * Fast Post Natal Recovery
        * Relaxing Birth Music £10 (Only the music - no guided visualisation)

    Maggie sent me a review copy of her VBAC CDs, and I was VERY, VERY impressed with it.  I have a background in hypnotherapy and am now a midwife, so I'm very sensitive to all the issues of hypnosis for VBAC, and I thought Maggie did an excellent job.  The guided relaxation is exquisitely sensitive to the issues of VBAC, and I would think any woman planning a VBAC would benefit tremendously from listening to this on a regular basis.  Maggie's website makes it easy to order these CDs from other countries, so don't hesitate!

    Imagery Birthing Center - A home study course.  (Individual titles include, "Bonding", "Releasing Fears", "Self Anesthesia", "Turn, Turn, Turn" (for breeches) and "Flow, Flow, Flow" (for milk production issues.)

      Pictures of Mucous Plug

    With a first baby, you may be surprised at the discharges that start coming out of your body.  Here are some photos of mucous plugs:
    First baby mucous plug - this is the outermost part of the mucous plug, with not much blood; it was still another four days before baby was born:  Photo #1, Photo #2 [NOTE - Each of these swipes is about 4 inches long . . . yes, really]
    First baby bloody mucous plug - this is a mucous plug with a lot of old, brownish blood in it - this is perfectly fine. Note that the tape measure is in cm, so it's really about 4 inches long. [Photo]
    Advanced bloody show - this is the sort of bloody mucous we see around 6-7 cm, with a lot of fresh, red dilation bleeding mixed in with the mucous that is pushed out of the mucous crypts as the baby's head really thins out the last bit of the cervix. This ruler is in inches, so it's about 4-5 inches.  There's lots of extra water on the pad because we fished this out of the birthing tub. [Photo]

      Getting a Birth Certificate

    I'll be providing you with a "Proof of Pregnancy" affidavit regarding your pregnancy and birth, and I'll file the initial paperwork with the folks at Vital Statistics.  If you want to read the full booklet about getting a birth certificate, here it is:

    Getting a Birth Certificate for Out-of-Hospital Birth

    You can also call Vital Statistics at 408-885-2010.


    My web pages about vaccinations.

    My niece wrote an article about recovering her two sons from a diagnosis on the autism spectrum.

      Relevant Support Groups

    Online Pregnancy Support Groups

    Local Parenting Resources


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